Review: Snow White with the Red Hair (Akagami no Shirayukihime)

Anime, Reviews

Snow White with the Red Hair is a Disney embodiment of anime. There’s a girl and a prince and even a few poison apples thrown in for good measure. Plus, if you didn’t notice, the name itself is tribute to a certain Disney princess.

This all might sound a little too cliche for some of you, but there is something about this anime that kept me going back for more and, although on paper the story is a simple one, it is executed in a delightfully charming manner which, all in all, makes for some easy and rather enjoyable viewing.

It all begins with Shirayuki. She is the heroine of our story and

Review: Space Dandy

Anime, Reviews

I really loved Space Dandy (like, really, really loved it). However, in an epiphany-like moment the other day, I realised that I never did do a blog post about the show, which is just downright appalling if you ask me.

So, without any further ado, I present to you: my thoughts on Space Dandy.

Review: Aldnoah Zero Season 2

Anime, Reviews

Aldnoah Zero is another anime that was wrapped up this past week. Much like its predecessor, season two has proved to be equally as gripping, entertaining and filled to the brim with action and cliffhangers. It has quickly made its way onto my ‘would recommend’ list.

A word of warning! Like all of my reviews, I try to avoid spoilers as much as possible, but it’s impossible to talk about season two of Aldnoah without giving away a few details to the first season. You have been warned.

Review: Vision of Escaflowne

Anime, Reviews

It’s been a little while since I wrote about any anime, but fear not, I haven’t been slacking in my anime-watching duties. In fact, I’ve recently gone back a few years to watch an oldy that I vaguely remembered from when I was younger. Said oldy, if you hadn’t guessed already, is the Vision of Escaflowne. While it’s not quite 1080p and the sound quality isn’t amazing, I thoroughly enjoyed it. So, without further ado, here is my review.

Review: Guilty Crown

Anime, Reviews

So this week I finished watching Guilty Crown and here is my review of the series!

I hadn’t really heard of Guilty Crown prior to watching the series. I understand now that there was a lot of hype surrounding it on its release, which was understandable due to some of the good names working on the series, but also that a lot of people were severely disappointed when it did eventually air.  I am more then a little surprised by this, as, despite its one or two obvious flaws, I rate Guilty Crown rather highly and thoroughly enjoyed watching it to the end.

In this review, I will look at the good, the bad and the ugly points of Guilty Crown and if you are yet to watch the anime, hopefully my review proves a little friendlier then most.